Thursday, June 17, 2010
Open house discussion and feedback mechanism
Great organizations recognize, nurture and execute great ideas. Employees are the biggest source of ideas. The only thing that can stop great ideas flooding through organization is the lack of an appropriate mechanism to capture ideas. Open house discussions,employee-management meets, suggestion boxes and ideas help to identify & develop talent.
Recommend: Kinokuniya can get the staff to be more involved and committed to the organization by encouraging them to be more participative in the company.It is always good to hear the voice of the staffs as they are the one who are closest to customers, representing the organzation.
Open book management style
Sharing information about contracts, sales, new clients, management objectives, company policies, employee personal data etc to ensures that the employees are as enthusiastic about the business as the management.
Recommend: Through this open book process organzation can gradually create a culture of participative management and ignite the creative endeavor of the work force.. It involves making people an interested party to the strategic decisions, thus aligning them to business objectives.
Service Retailers
E.g. Singapore Safety Driving Centre [SSDC]
Open-book Management style
- The company does not only focus on its mission statement, but it also focuses on every staff’s believe and objectives, therefore under their staff directory, they not only share the name and staff code, but also the staff’s opinion on his/her job, as well as what he/she wishes to achieve.
- The company also regularly updates the company’s status, such as collaborations, events, and its policies.
Merchandise Retailers
E.g. NTUC Fairprice
Open-book Management style
- As NTUC has several concept of supermarket, they had various slogans under their brand name; however their mission statement and objectives still remain the same, which is to provide customers with the best value, quality products and excellence services.
- The organization also has a ‘milestone’ link in its portal, which would allow the public to see the growth of the organization and its progress in both Singapore, and foreign nations.
Safe, healthy and happy workplace
Creating a safe, healthy and happy workplace will ensure that employees feel homely and stay with the organization for a very long time. This means employees's loyalty toward the organzation.
Recommend: Organize bonding sessions and post photos on website/specific blog to show that organiztion's effort in creating the most ideal workplace for the staffs.Since the website already have a career section (,
it can show more of the intersting working environment at kinokuniya.
Some good examples, radio DJ show photos at the offiical radio station website.(from events etc..)
Training and development
Employees are aware of what to expect from organization. e.g. training, upgrade skills. For those staff working at the origami section, they should stay updated with the new trends.
Employee benefits
Basic incentives for the staffs. e.g. medical, insurance etc.
Recommend: The benefits are not shown to public.It canbe more open.
updated by Jin Jing , Justin
Monday, June 14, 2010
Week 5 Merchandise Management

Under books, they have different buyers for different classification of books! [Ranging from Fiction to Politics]
They have both category for kids as well as adults.
The SKUs for kids would be for books like Magic books, Fairytale and Mystery.
The SKUs for adults would be for books such as Romance & Murder.
Merchandise Category:

Merchandise categories allow us to classify and structure the entire range of goods offered for sale by Kinokuniya (breadth and depth)
The aim of merchandise category management is the better coordination of various customer considerations at each business location (for example, stores), including elements such as variety, price structures and advertising
Category Management:Category Management is a retailing concept in which the range of products sold by a retailer is broken down into discrete groups of similar or related products; these groups are known as product categories.
Category Captain:
From Kinokuniya's Japan Site: "まず、日本の和書の出版流通から説明します。メーカーにあたる出版社(版元とも言う)が新刊を 出版すると、それが問屋にあたる取次へと流れ、小売である書店でお客様に販売する形をとっていま
This translates that Kinokuniya does not have a category captain (a selected vendor responsible for managing a category) as the books it carries are from the publisher to the wholesaler and then to the retailer.
Therefore, there is no vendor or supplier who helps the retailer understand the consumer behaviour of buying that category of books nor does kinokuniya creates any assortment that satisfy. Therefore, Kinokuniya does not have a category captain.
Merchandise Management Planning Processes:
Two distinct Types of Merchandise Management Systems
Staple (Basic) Merchandise Categories:
- Fiction Books
- Non-Fiction Books
- Language books
As fiction and non-fiction books will have a continuous demand over an extended time period as they have limited number of new product introductions and it is the most basic form of reading for book lovers.Therefore, it is in staple merchandise categories.
As Language books are hard to have new product introductions and the demand for the books are easy to forecast, having continuous replenishment hence it is in staple merchandise categories.
Fashion Merchandise Categories:- Politics
- Comics- Manga Comics
As politics are fast moving, they are something that would be in demand for a relatively short period of time. For instance, the red blood protestors in thailand and the Obama election period. After obama was elected, the books were less popular! Hence, it is under fashion merchandise categories
As Manga comics was a trend in Japan, the continuous production of new comic books increase as more and more teenagers started to follow the trend. However, the demand for it slowly decreased as teenagers grow up to be young adults and stop reading it. Hence, it is only in demand for a relatively short time. Thus, being under fashion merchandise categories.
Done By: Stacie Tan, Cynthia Neo